Sheesh. Things have been a little crazy at the Harnisch house...lots going on, between not being home, school/church stuff, Husker FB games, having several cousin sleepovers, being sick (diarrhea included) - hence would explain why this Halloween "night" post is a wee-bit delayed.
Anywho - "LIFE" is good. We're "blessed to be busy". :-)
Here are some "fabulous" (?) pics from Halloween night.
The party was at our house. My mom, dad, sisters and all their kids crashed our hood, as we have lots of young families. I estimate we had around 200 or so trick or treaters visit our house in all :-) Awesome!
To top it off the weather was phenomenal! You never know in Nebraska after all. It could be blizzarding by now.
The evening started off with a yummy Pizza/Soup dinner |
Ha - Who's idea was it to try and gather the "CRAZY/EXCITED" kids up for a group shot anyway? Hey - mouse...look over here won't ya? |
Hello? over hear...stop staring at that cute little lady-bug. |
"what? You? You Mom? You want us all to look your direction at the same time?" "Good luck with that" :-) |
"JOKE is on you"..."Not gonna happen" |
Geesh - Thanks Macy.
And they're d.o.n.e. |
 | more. almost good. Missing Dalton back there somewhere. |
Ally & Macy Mouse |
My Mom made this costume...35+ years ago. All four of us "Lee" girls wore it and I think all ten grandbabies have worn it too. Macy was still a little small for it, but I was excited and wanted her to wear it this year...can you blame me? It's freaking adorable! And yes, my mom used to sew. hehe
I would love to have dug up all the old photos of each of us wearing the mouse costume and made some sort of collage...but seriously...who has that much time? not me! bummer :(
Pebbles & Bam-Bam stopped by for a visit. How cute! There mom is (much like my mom WAS) very talented and made these herself as well. Hang on to these guys, maybe your kids' kids will wear them some day!! The Flinstone's are a timeless classic. :-) |
I LOVE my Macy Mouse |
"For real mom?" "You want another picture...I'm trying to tell Grandpa something...can you just give me a minute?" |
"So you see old man, if you just cross your eyes and twinkle your nose "like this", then all the kids will laugh at your silly jokes". |
"got it?"..."you just gotta get more animated". Like me! |
"And look...over's the MOON". |
We are candy-corn. Can't ya tell? |
minus our bright orange wigs that is. You may think this looks familiar? yes, it's because we wore these last year too. Not too original. McKenzie and I picked out an adorable bright pink Supergirl costume, complete with a cape & boots...but NOOO, she wanted to be the candy-corn, yet again. oh well. whatever you want kid! |
Ally (I mean Jessie) and the Mr. Potato Head Punkin. |
trying to get our annual Halloween pic with the neighbors...big sis is missing... |
As you can probably tell by her kicking, flailing and screaming in the background, Kenzie is not too jazzed about the idea of another photo request. |
well. almost a good shot. Pay no attention to the whiny 4-yr old candy corn in the background...oh and the ladybug who managed to get herself in a quite the predicament back there. LOL nice. |
All the kids LOVED pushing "Dylan" the Robots buttons. |
YAY a group shot that everyone is in! Now if only Jessie wasn't crying. ha! Make note of my "prodigy picture taker" at front & center...I don't like to brag, but Little Miss Macy Mouse is the ONLY kid looking AT the camera. HA. LOVE IT! |
And they're off! |
Time to get a bunch of teeth-rotting candy from every house in the neighborhood (which, mind you, WILL be "accidentally misplaced" in 3 days tops!). The big kids ran ahead and sadly Macy & Joe (the pokie little puppies) were not able to keep up. They just hit the homes on our block.
Speaking of which...hmmm..."Pokie Little Puppies" just might be a really fun & unique costume ideas for the girls (and their daddy) next year :-)