The Harnisch Family

The Harnisch Family

Jun 11, 2010

Pneumonia...again :-(

We've been keeping a close eye on our Little Miss Macy all week...
She has been exhibiting several symptoms consistent with the early stages of pneumonia. I called the Doc this morning after she yacked up a large amount of bright greenish/yellow substance (she generally does not spit up much). Took her in and he thought it best to put her on an antibiotic, of which she does not like one bit. She needs this little extra help to stay healthy and Lord knows we do not want to wind up in the hospital again. She's pretty congested, has some gunk in her lungs and a bit of a sinus infection, combine that with her already narrowed airways (laryngo-malachia), we don't need to take any chances of compromising her oxygen levels. As of right now we do not have any reason to be concerned. Aside from having a slight loss of appetite and being of little clingy (I mean cuddly & lovey), she is doing GREAT!
Please cross your fingers and say a prayer that she fights this off like the champ she is. I am optimistic that she WILL :-)
Sadly, she will not be able to attend her much anticipated playgroup at Zorinsky Lake tomorrow...she has been looking forward to seeing many of these friends for weeks. oh well, we'll do it again another time! :-( I have not had the heart to break the news to her yet, I'll tell her in the morning...
Good Night All!

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