We spent a wonderful couple of days out at the lake. It was the first time sleeping over in Woodcliff this year. We had a cabin full...just the way it is meant to be :-) Us Harnisches, Grandma & Grandpa Lee, Great Grandma Salisbury, Uncle Ken and Aunt Mary, Renae, Mason, Ryan, Ally (and the future Salisbury grandbaby) and Sean (oh and 2 of his friends too)...love all the company and great conversations! Missed my sisters and their families this weekend...they were are pretty busy and were unable to come out. understandable...there will be more weekends :-)

McKenzie sure does LOVE to diiiiggggg!

Can Mommy help you? "You do it like this mommy"

Give the kid a bucket and a shovel and she'll dig for a while...add a hose to the equation and the kid will be entertained for hours & hours!

oh the concentration :) I just loved watching her play. Quite the imagination Kenzie has.

Me & My Grandma

Daddy and his girls chillaxin'

It was a beautiful morning at the lake!

Time for a nap. This was just one of 3 Daddy and Macy naps today. One out here on the swing. Another on the living room couch. And yet another on a porch couch. Macy is SUCH a cuddlebug. :-)

This is what it's really ALL about. You just can't relax like this at home.

Sure, it can be kind of a hassle and stressful to get the bags and coolers packed. Get the everyone loaded up in the family "truckster", get on the road and travel 20 miles westbound to Woodcliff lake. But once we are out here, we can simply BE. It is very very relaxing! Sun, Sand, Good food, drinks and card games - hours of Shanghai Rummy baby, that's our game of choice! We are looking forward to many more relaxing weekends out at the lake. Thanks Mom & Dad! We are blessed to have such a fantastic getaway so close to home :-)
p.s. - Macy had her bikini on for most of the day today and you'd think I would have snapped a few pics...I didn't :-( uugggh we were too busy swimming to take pics this afternoon. will have to get some another time!
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