After McKenzie's Doc appointment yesterday (her Excema is flaring up again :-(, Me, Macy and Grandpa Lee played on the front porch for a bit. As you can see, Macy LOVES the swing! We are so excited for the nice weather to stick around so she can swing ALLL DAAAAAY LOOOONG :-) Besides, it's really good for her "vestibular system", so I hear! The motion really riles her if she needs more motivation to go crazy!
"look mom, the swing's lonely"
"can I get in?? can I? huh? huh?"
Now, how do you tell those delicious Almond eyes no? I don't think you can.
"okay, hold on tight" McKenzie says :-)
All 47 of her chromosomes were movin' & a shakin'! I think that 3rd copy of her 21st was having the MOST FUN!!! We'll blame the desire to spend extra hours on the porch on that one - it is extra special afterall :-)
I didn't intend on taking a billion just's the camera's fault. I think sometimes it has a MIND OF IT'S OWN! Who am I to stand in the way of a Nikon's dreams?
And how do I not share ALL the moments & expressions it worked so hard to get??
look at those little toes flailing in the wind!
It's hard to see her, but McKenzie gave her an under-doggie and is crouched under the swing...see her butt up in the air?! :-) Macy was trying to kick it.
"Faster Kenzie, FASTER!"
Macy's quite the dare devil.
I decided to "collage" the rest of the pics in an effort to save space on the blog :-)

In case the photo's weren't enough, here's a couple video clips of her swingin' adventure :-)
Now we just need Daddy to get to building the backyard playset (it's in the garage - unassembled in 7 boxes) so that big sis has a swing of her own. SOON enough! :-)
ReplyDeleteSo CUTE!!!!!! :)