In one corner we've got a hefty 9 pounder named Macy and over in the other corner we've got a teeny 4oz bottle. Who's it gonna be folks? At first glance Macy appears to be favored to bring home the gold, however, the small and mighty underdog is putting up one hell of a fight! After-all, "it's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog". It's a close match, but I just hope there are not too many more overtimes.
YES! Ladies & Gentlemen, I do believe we have a winner! Macy threw up a desperate buzzer-beater to win the game.

"Mr. Bottle's response "Macy, you may have one this battle, but you have not yet won the war - Good luck to you my friend."
UGGGHHH - I am going back to work tomorrow...can't believe it's tomorrow already! So obviously we have to figure out this bottle situation. Pros & Cons of breastfeeding I suppose. I kind of blame myself for not being more consistent with introducing the bottle to her more regularly. She had always taken it with no problem the few times we were out & about. But it has been a couple weeks. My dad has been a LOT of help. We have tried several different types of bottles, various nipples, a variety of positions, we even experimented with different temperatures for the breast milk. To no avail!
I have heard that it is not a good idea for me, the mommy, to feed the bottle to her (as that may be confusing), I have even tried leaving the room. We need to give this girl some credit. She's a smart cookie. I think she KNOWS that "hey, what's the deal? mommy's here, so get this STINKY bottle out of my mouth." She screams and clearly wants nothing to do with any bottle :-( It goes against all of my motherly instincts to hide out in another room just listening to her scream as my dad & sometimes Joe, try very hard to get her to take the bottle.
I had talked through some ideas with my friend Heidi and I think the approach that finally worked was to get her out of her "nursing" environment. We believe she associates the family room and her nursery with nursing. Makes sense. So...after a long fight, my dad took her into the front office, where we have a recliner, and gave it another shot. SUCCESS! Awesome, I am so glad this is working, at least so far! :)
I had been confused as to why she was putting up such a fight all of the sudden as she had taken to the bottle just fine before. I think this may be a good sign that her cognitive skills are really kicking in. She's is both fortunately and unfortunately a smart little peanut!
I am VERY MUCH looking forward to rejoining my Monday Night Volleyball league tonight. My co-ed team, Pete's Pucca Posse (don't ask) never really filled my spot, they have been playing one girl short most of the time I was gone. :-) I have also started working out (and I use this term lightly) at The Common Ground here in Elkhorn. So between getting a bit of physical activity through some competitive volleyball and at the gym, I hope to get my pre-baby bod back.
Bring on Summer! but swimsuit season can wait just a bit longer...hehe
So glad Macy is finally taking to the bottle. I was going to tell you that she'd eventually eat from the bottle if you weren't around, but it sounds like you got it figured out.
ReplyDeleteEveryone on PPP is very happy to have you back!! :)