Oh my goodness, the sun is shining bright and the temps have skyrocketed into the upper 30's!! We had better get outside and enjoy this gorgeous weather.

Not sure if you can see it, but we sidewalk chalked "
love McKenzie

Let's go for a car ride

this way mommy!

We go church mommy! up ahead!

Now let's see if Uncle
Ja and Aunt Bethany are home...nope...
but lets dance in their driveway anyway! :-)

I know what you're thinking...this girl has way to much time on her to hands! Is this all she does every day long is hang around and frolic all day with her daughters snapping photos of EVERYTHING...she needs to get a life, right? Well, right now, this IS my life. I am trying to enjoy each and every minute I have while on maternity leave. I love and cherish spending this quality time with my 2 best friends. I can't help but photograph everything, in an effort to capture these precious moments...they are not going to last forever.
This is who I am, this is just what I do...get used to it...
Also - I do very much believe
a camera captures the true essence of ones soul. Unfortunately, beginning next week I will not have as much free time on my hands. I will be going back to work. wow, how time flies!
So, after next week, I am certain that my blog postings will be a bit more

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