The Harnisch Family

The Harnisch Family

Aug 24, 2010

Dog Days 'o' Summer

Just tryin' to stay cool!
The twins invited us over to go slip 'n' slidin last week!  McKenzie had a ball  :-)
Lauren is quite the slip 'n' slide all-star!
Lauren, Dylan, Hannah and Lynn enjoyed cuddling with Macy.  awwww, she's so lucky to have such sweet neighbors!
As you can see Dylan is just smitten' by her  :-)
The Cooke cousins came over to play yesterday, as their momma had a busy day of fire fighten' and rescue callin'.  Not a minute of shut eye did she get last night, so she was able to go home and take a little nap while Brook and Ally played here.
It was a nice (actually kind of chilly morning), so we hung out in the front yard.
Sidewalk chalkin!
Chilling in the Adirondack chair.
Macy and Ally join in the chalk fun.
Macy says "hey, where's my chalk"?  "Mom, Kenzie won't share!"
Gotta also LOVE impromptu Grandpa visits!
She's so loved  :-)
Cousin Heidi's wedding!
Pretty sure McKenzie thinks that her cousin's Ashy and Autumn are the COOLEST!  Check out the look of admiration.
Dad, Macy, Grandma Harnisch and cousin Harrison.  oh and check out Kenzie in the backround.  She's sneaking more chocolate kisses.
BUSTED!  caught ya chocolate faced.  The little stinker probably ate/mowd down 79 chocolate kisses that night.  aww jeeez.  But, I actually think this contributed to her "sugar" crash a couple hours later.   While we were dancing and having a good time later on, she was SNOOZIN' on two banquet chairs at our table.  hehe.
running around with Cousin Mason
more bubbles!
Gordy and Shelly dancin' the night away.  they, btw, just celebrated their 16th wedding anniversary.  Congrats guys!!
Heidi and Ryan cutting the cake!
That's Ella B. Bella talking to the beautiful bride.   photo courtesy of Leslie Means
What?  You don't know who Ella B. Bella is??  McKenzie sure does!  I made friends with Ella's mommy at Heidi's Bachelorette Party a couple weeks ago.  We really hit it off, not only because we were the sober ones (nursing mommas), but we also happened to have a million things in common with each other.  We both have 3 sisters, we've got the journalism thing in common, we have 2 daughters, we are on the Dave Ramsey financial plan...oh and Leslie published her first children's book a few months ago...something I would LOVE to do myself someday. 
Check out her website and get your very own copy of Ella B. Bella and the Magic Pink Shoes today!
Leslie is a very talented author, and as you can see, these illustrations are ADORABLE!  very captivating to my 3 year old.

We got the Ella B. Bella book in the mail last week and McKenzie just LOVES it.  It is soo cute.  We read it several times a day.  McKenzie was super excited to get to meet Ella in person this past weekend.  hehe  :-)
Leslie and her now famous Ella  :-) 
So you know...I am newly inspired...I would LOVE to someday, perhaps, write a children's book of my own.  Who know's maybe there's a "Little Miss Macy" book series on the horizon.  :-)  Wouldn't be for a while, but, hey, a girl can dream can't she??
Anyone know a publisher and good illustrator?


  1. Fab pictures and posts! Keep the coming! I'm a loyal follower!

  2. Always a joy to read your blog! You let me know when you need publisher and stuff like that. Two of my friends have just finished books and I am proud to say that I am in both of them! One is a cancer survivor and she wrote a book about her journey, help for others, my part was about the not surviving and gave some ideas.:( The other gal is in my Mother's Hope group and she lost her son after I did and she wrote a book and interviewed many mom's on losing their children. Can't wait to read her's almost done! So, these two gals both know a lot about the in's & out's of publishing, but also know a lot of people in that area! You can do anything you never give up your dreams!!!!
    P.S......the kids are so stinkin cute!
