Macy doesn't know it yet, but she will find out soon enough, that she has the world's greatest grandparents. You know those mugs & shirts you can buy in stores that display this "not so original" phrase? Well...they were made especially with Macy's & McKenzie's Grandmas & Grandpas in mind! We are soo lucky to have them close by (or maybe their lucky that we all stuck around to live nearby), either way, we are thrilled that both G&G Lee & G&G Harnisch are just a "hop, skip & jump" away!
Between the many, many friends we had come visit these last couple of days, we were also able to have a meeting with a few gals from the Elkhorn Public Schools Early Intervention program. This first meeting was to basically talk about Macy and assess her needs (not much to "assess" given the fact that she is only 14 days old), she of course qualifies for this program given her diagnosis of Down Syndrome. In any case, we talked about Macy, filled out some paperwork and got a brief overview of how the EPS Early Intervention team works. Due to the fact that children with Down Syndrome typically face delays in certain areas of development, it is important for us to, even in these early weeks & months, "help her achieve the basic physical, cognitive, language, social and self-help skills that lay the foundation for future progress." So the team will come to the house regularly and teach us specific physical therapy exercises and activities designed to assist gross and fine-motor abilities, strengthen muscle tone, etc...
We know that have sooo much love to give Macy, we've got that covered, but anything else above and beyond we can do to help her thrive and reach her fullest potential, we will absolutely do our best to do!!
Today, Macy and I are going to run some errands, a trip to Target to get some grocery's, plus big sister McKenzie is "too big for her britches", quickly growing out of her size 2T clothes and size 6 shoe. We may also stop in to SKAR Advertising, and show her off to my co-workers!! We'll see how the day goes :-)
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