Since we were out & about & in the neighborhood...Aunt Keri made us swing by US Bank to say hi to her and her co-workers.
next it was off to Boys Town to visit Grandma Lee!
Now that Miss Macy is back up to and beyond her birth weight (of 5lbs, 4oz), we do not necessarily have to feed her every 2 hours anymore, we are simply waiting for us to tell us she is hungry. That is about every 3 to 4 hours or so. I am thrilled by the fact that for the last 3 nights she has slept for 4 hour stretches (that's the minimum)...woo-hoo! Keep it up baby!!!! That makes for a happy, well-rested momma :-)
Also, last night marks the first time she slept in her crib in the nursery. She (and I) did very well with this arrangement.
Oh and this is not a story I am not exactly proud to tell, but I suppose it came as no real surprise. I was sitting on the living room floor no more than 2 feet away from the bassinet where baby Macy was sleeping. I was chatting with my neighbor Lynn on the phone. Big sister Kenzie was keeping a close eye on Macy and telling her a sweet story. All of the sudden, it was like "slow-motion", I see out of the corner of my eye, the bassinet (with big sister hanging on the side) slowly falling sideways. I threw the phone to the ground, screamed "MCKENZIE!!" and caught baby Macy. Like I said, I was just a foot or two away, so luckily I was right there. The eerie thing about it, was holding and assessing baby Macy, I was shaking terribly, she looked 100% un-phased and unaware of what just took place. She was wide awake and perfectly FINE! I am pretty sure I gave Lynn half a heart-attack, sorry about that. She understood though, Hannah was just 2 & 1/2 when they brought their twins Dylan & Lauren home. They too, I'm sure, had many close calls similar to this. In any case, needless to say, we do not EVER leave big sister alone for more than a second with Macy. She will learn sooner or later!
Also - about Dylan & Lauren. These two are turning 3 and have invited McKenzie to their birthday party this weekend. McKenzie's first "friend" party, she is SOOO excited!! :-) There's a first-time for everything!
Oh dear Lord. Remember the story I told you about Sophie and the head-lock with Vollen. Those crazy kids they just love their new babies TOO much I think!!! Those are some SCARY moments and totally remember shaking as well. I think my heart was going to beat out of my chest there was so much adreneline going. Good thing you were right there! : ) Busy week!!!