Welcome to our Harnisch family blog. A lot has changed in the course of this very LONG week. Joe and I have been on an emotional rollercoaster, experiencing several ups & downs. I have found that keeping a journal and putting my thoughts down on paper has really helped me process and clear my head. As most of you know, I am a talker, I generally like to express myself and let my feelings be known, but I have not been able to so much as finish a sentence without crying or getting teared up...so as you can imagine I have refrained from saying much to anyone besides Joe. Thankfully I have my trusty iPhone of which I can quickly, easily & conveniently express my thoughts. At least to myself anyway. :)
Joe and I decided to start up this blog page in an effort to invite you into our new journey. As you know we have one beautiful girl named McKenzie and we have recently given birth to her gorgeous baby sister named Macy. Please feel free to check out our site often as we share our experiences being a family of four!

Thanks again to all of our family and friends for the warm thoughts, prayers and well wishes where our new little angel Baby Macy is concerned, they are not going unheard. The power of prayer is incredible, so please keep them coming!!!

P.S. The following blog posts will be backdated as I began writing my thoughts down on my iPhone the night Macy was born. :)
Location:NICU - room 565
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