The day started off pretty low. We received the results from her blood work, the diagnosis of Down Syndrome was confirmed. We already knew this was quite an emotional day for me, I felt extremely "off" and simply could not stop crying.
We met with a our genetics counselor from UNMC / Munroe Meyer Institute. She was wonderful and did a fantastic job of explaining very overwheming details about Down Syndrome to a very emotional mommy and daddy (mostly me of course - I went through half a box of Kleenex! Geeez Sher, get a hold of yourself! :) )
In any case, I will not go into full detail about all that she said, but it was refreshing to finally have a talk with someone in regards to this and have a better understanding of how DS works and get a little bit if perspective as to what we can expect over the next few weeks, months, years, etc...we have a checklist of things to do, people/docs/early intervention specialists to call within the next couple of weeks. Deep breaths. One day at a time. It will ALL be okay. We CAN handle this! We are NOT in this alone! She also spoke of a local group called "Omaha Down Syndrome Parents Network". I very much look forward to looking into this further in the very near future.
Ja and Beth visited us for a bit that evening, which was very nice! Even more nice was the fact that they had called us from Target before they got here and asked if we needed anything. Pretty good timing, Joe and I did need a few items, so that was awesome, thanks guys!! We rang in the New Year and were looking foward to a good night sleep. They hooked us up and we were able to sleep in an actual hospital room right here at the hospital, it had a comfy couch bed & a bathtub!!!

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